Title for the Movie “Achilles and the Tortoise”

Kakinuma contributed title of the movie “Achilles and the Tortoise” (directed by Takeshi Kitano, 2008), and many artworks for this movie.
“Achilles and the Tortoise” will participate in the competition of 65th Venice Film Festival.

Biennale Cinema 65th Venice Film Festival Venezia 65 – In Competition line-up

Takeshi Kitano : Akires to kame (Achilles and the Tortoise)  Japan, 119’
Beat Takeshi, Kanako Higuchi, Yurei Yanagi, Kumiko Aso

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2019/10/29 Tuesday

Koji Kakinuma Exhibition

2018/9/6 Thursday

Art Central Hong Kong 2018

2018/3/15 Thursday

Sunshine Museum Exhibition

2008/9/25 Thursday

World Cultural Forum 2007

2007/11/6 Tuesday

Guest Artist of KODO Live

2007/3/4 Sunday

Performace: TYGERS

2006/11/10 Friday