Title artwork of “KANPEI EARTH MARATHON”

Kakinuma provided the title artwork of “KANPEI EARTH MARATHON” that Mr. Kanpei Hazama, popular comedian in Japan and a marathon runnner is trying to accross the earth in 2 years only by foot and by sailboat. he will run about 20,000 kilometers and sail about 16,000 kilometers in the 2years.

for more information, please visit  http://www.earth-marathon.com/.

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2019/10/29 Tuesday

Koji Kakinuma Exhibition

2018/9/6 Thursday

Art Central Hong Kong 2018

2018/3/15 Thursday

Sunshine Museum Exhibition

2008/9/25 Thursday

World Cultural Forum 2007

2007/11/6 Tuesday

Guest Artist of KODO Live

2007/3/4 Sunday

Performace: TYGERS

2006/11/10 Friday